ENROLLMENT APPEALS: The UFA/FAs under Chapter 3, sections 3.10.2 – – provide for an appeal process through the DRB. The process is outlined in the Enrollment Appeal Process Guide and Flow Chart.

If an individual does not agree with a Yukon First Nation’s decision of their enrollment application an appeal can be initiated with the DRB within 60 days of receiving the written decision from the Yukon First Nation.

If a Yukon First Nation fails or refuses to decide within 120 days from the date an enrollment application is filed, the individual may initiate an appeal with the DRB within 180 days from the date the application was filed with the Yukon First Nation.

Once an enrollment appeal is initiated the chairperson of the DRB shall appoint a single arbitrator to hear and determine an appeal and provide appropriate remedy. Any decision or order of an arbitrator carries the same weight as a decision of the Supreme Court of the Yukon. The powers of the arbitrator hearing an enrollment appeal is outlined under the UFA/FA sections through to 3.11.5.

Enrollment Appeal Process Guide

Enrollment Appeal Process Flowchart

DRB Enrollment Appeal Form

Online Enrollment Appeal Form